A Prayer

This was sent to me by my friend Mago Ando':

Carte Carte buone carte,
Io vi chiamo da ogni parte
Ci dite una fortuna vera (Tell us a true fortune)
Ma di giorno notte e sera
In nome di Dio e Santa Maria,
Carte Carte Così Sia.

He asked me to translate it to Napoletano:

Cartè  Cartè  buonè  carte,
Iò vi chiamm ra ognì partè
C dicite na' ciorta verà
M e' juorno notta e serà
In nomè e' Dio e Santà Maria,
Càrt Cartè accussì Sià.

I agree with Ando'... way cooler. :)

Reading A Regular Deck of Playing Cards

Playing cards were my very first divination 'tool'. Long before I even new the classical interpretation of each card. Below are the meanings of the cards as I learned them and have always used them. Over the years I've tried to learn 'new' meanings and add the rest of the deck, but to no avail. The cards are a focal point for me when I channel and not the source of the information I obtain.

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