to diagnose and cure mal'occhio

Historically the following is handed down or taught orally to the 'chosen few', on Christmas Eve. There are as many versions as there are dialects in Italy. I assure you that learning it from my website does not diminish the effectiveness of the cure. However, those who are born with, and cultivate real power can do all this with  just a mere 'thought'. ~Rue

To test if illness is from natural causes, pour 3 drops oil one atop the other in a bowl of water. If they bead and remain distinctly seperate from the water: STOP. This is a negative diagnosis and there is no mal'occhio present.

If the drops smear across the surface of the water or vanish (mix) into the water, then do as follows: (because oil and water do not normally mix, right?)

Take two sewing needles and insert the tip of one into the eye of the other and say:

ammidia e malocchio
curnucille all`occhio
crepa l`ammidia e scoppia lu malocchio
n' nome di Di e d' Santa Mari
lu malocchio se n' pozza ye.
Lunedi Santo, Martedi Santo, Mercoledi Santo,Giovedi Santo, Venerdi
Santo, Sabato Santo, e Domenica di Pasqua,
In nome di Criste, crepa l'occhio triste!

Cross the water with the needle tips 3 times. Sprinkle 3 pinches of salt into the water. Jab scissors into the water 3 times thru the water and oil. Take scissors and cut the air above the bowl 3 times.
The spell is broken.

Finish with the prayer and make the sign of the cross three times with Holy Water or Holy Oil on the forehead and nape of the neck of the person you cured. (If they are present)

San Michele Arcangelo,
difendici nella battaglia contro le insidie e la malvagità del demonio,
sii nostro aiuto.
Te lo chiediamo supplici che il Signore lo comandi.
E tu, principe della milizia celeste,
con la potenza che ti viene da Dio,
ricaccia nell'inferno Satana e gli altri spiriti maligni,
che si aggirano per il mondo a perdizione delle anime.