
The same sacramentals used in the Catholic Church are used in blessing rituals, whereby the sacramentals are never disrespected. However, they are also used, quite extensively in stregoneria (witchcraft), where there is more of a grey area and therefore a practitioner may find themselves walking the fine line between the sacred and the profane or, stepping right into sacrilege.

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During the 16th century (and most probably before), in the northern Italian region of Friuli, there were the benandanti. These were all men who were born with a caul (amniotic membrane still attached to the top of the infant's head and forming a veil). Such a person was usually brought into the league of benandanti when he was in his late teens.

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Patron saints

In the Italian context, a patron saint is one that firstly man has inherited or adopted either through family, an occupation/trade/profession, or a geographical location, and then over time the saint has proven through their track record of intercession on man's behalf that they are indeed connecting. Only once the saint has proven themselves to be more than a 'one hit wonder' do Italians bestow upon them the honour of 'patrone'.