Cura Limone

This is a repost of an older entry from the old site - my apologies for the low resolution of the images:  2009/10 was quite a long time ago in terms of technology.

Our beloved Doberman/German Shepherd Ruby-Tuesday had developed a spindle cell tumor at the top of her leg. I applied the Cura Limone (Lemon Cure) in the hopes of shrinking and getting rid of the tumor. It worked and we were relieved.... Until she was diagnosed with another cancer that would claim her 2 months later. 


When The Work Is Done

Six years, ten months, and five days. That is the length of time between this post and the one preceding it. I don't know what happened. No, that isn't true. I know what happened. Life happened. We have so many things going on in our lives: family, friends, school, work, household responsibilities, professional responsibilities, social obligations.... The list goes on. These responsibilities and obligations are very demanding of our time so in order to squeeze it all in, we have to make some sacrifices. Naturally, the first items on the chopping block are things that give us pleasure.

Why is that? I think it is because we fundamentally believe that we haven't earned the right to enjoy the things that give us pleasure until our "work" is done.  I also think, and I am guilty of this, that there are some of us who "save the best for last". The things that give me pleasure are on my list -way at the bottom of my list. They remain there because I do plan to get to them...when the work is done. 

I can attest that six years, ten months, and five days later, "the work" is not done. This is because "the work" although it changes and evolves, is and never will be done. It is up to us to make the time for the things that give us pleasure. The things that feed our souls. 


Our lives are an epic novel, the people we meet are characters. Some characters stay for a sentence. Some stay for a chapter, or many chapters. Some characters appear solely to move the story along, or change its course. Some characters are recurring. Some remembered fondly, others, quickly forgotten. Some are heroes. Sometimes villains are written in to make us stronger.

When you find yourself in the midst of stagnation, or sudden change, it means a chapter is ending and thus, a new one must begin for your story to continue.

The beginning of a new chapter can be energizing or terrifying.

Often the end of a chapter can be heartbreaking.

Thankfully there a times when the end of a chapter is a relief.